After School Program (TK-6): LEO
As of January 2025, the LUSD Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP) is called “LEO.” The name LEO captures the heart of what we aim to provide: engaging learning experiences, enriching activities, and opportunities to learn and grow academically and personally.
Students in LEO experience the
- Homework completion
- Tutoring
- Literature/math
- Science Technology Engineering & Math (STEM)
- Art
- Enrichment
- Leadership
- Global learning
- Physical activity
In accordance with state guidelines for the ELOP and ASES, LUSD offers afterschool and summer school enrichment programs for transitional kindergarten through sixth grade. By law, LUSD prioritizes enrollment according to state guidelines. Other students are enrolled on a first-come-first served basis, as space becomes available.
Yolanda Rojas-Chavoya
Administrative Assistant II
Lisa Wilson
Pupil Support Services Program Coordinator
LUSD provides high quality after-school programming in partnership with local and national providers.