Trusting Relationships + High Expectations = Every Student Achieves

TK / K Registration

TK / Kindergarten Registration

Parents who have eligible students can register them for TK-K at their assigned home school in the month of May.  Please make arrangements with the school for the best time as each site has designated dates in the month of May for this purpose. Questions regarding their particular attendance area should be directed to the Central Attendance office at 805-742-3244, or the nearest elementary school.

All parents/guardians need to register their kindergarten or transitional kindergarten students at the school in their attendance area. Questions regarding their particular attendance area should be directed to the Central Attendance office at 805-742-3244, or the nearest elementary school

Find your child's school.

Kindergarten Program

Children eligible for kindergarten must turn 5 years old on or before September 1, 2024.

Contact your child's school for Kindergarten registration.

Transitional Kindergarten Program

Children eligible for Transitional Kindergarten must turn 5 years old on or between September 2, 2024 and June 2, 2025.   These students will be admitted by birthdate priority depending on the number of applicants at their home school site.

Parents/Guardians should bring their child along with the following items to registration:

1. Proof of Age: Proof of age may be in the form an official birth certificate, a duly attested baptism certificate, or a passport.
2. Official Immunization Record
3. Verification of Address: Address verification may be in the form of a mortgage/rent receipt or utility bill with the address and parent's/guardian's name on it or a similar document.



Enrollment Applications