Concerns and Complaints
School-based issues and concerns must first be routed to the building level principal. District contacts will review concerns and inquiries once the building level principal has had an opportunity to respond. Please follow the process as outlined to ensure prompt assistance. If you do not follow the process from the beginning, you will be asked to contact the appropriate staff member as indicated here.
First, contact school staff.
The parent/guardian orstudent should attempt to express their concerns directly to the staff member involved in the incident(s) in question by requesting a meeting, sending an email or submitting a written concern unless direct contact would be inappropriate or uncomfortable.
Policy: AR 1312.1 Complaints Concerning District Employees
If your student's teacher cannot assist, contact your site administration and principal.
The parent/guardian or student may express their concerns to the site administrator, then the principal, if they feel a satisfactory resolution did not result from contact with the staff member or if direct contact would be inappropriate or uncomfortable. Contact the school office or school principal for further information on how to file a concern or complaint.
If a school administrator cannot assist, contact the district office as indicated below.
The parent/guardian or student may express their concerns to a District Office administrator if, after speaking with the site principal, they do not feel their concerns have been adequately addressed. A written description of the concern/complaint is requested to ensure submission to the appropriate department.
Concern Reporting Form – Fillable English Spanish
Formal Complaints Regarding Violations of State or Federal Laws
Violations of State or Federal Law do not need to go through the tiered process. Complaints may be filed directly as indicated below
Uniform Complaints: Complaints that address allegations of unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying, and complaints alleging violation of state or federal laws governing educational programs, the charging of unlawful pupil fees and the noncompliance of our Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). Written complaints should be submitted to Pupil Support Services or emailed to
Policy: AR 1312.3 Uniform Complaint Procedures Uniform
Complaint Form – Fillable
Williams Act Violations: Complaints in regards to insufficiency of instructional material, teacher vacancy or misassignment, or condition of school facilities. Alleged violations should be submitted to the principal at the school at which the complaint arises.
Policy: AR 1312.4 Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures
Williams Uniform Complaint Form – Fillable
Title IX Violations: Complaints in regards to discrimination based on sex in educational programs or activities. Reports of sexual harassment should be submitted directly to or forwarded to the district’s Title IX Coordinator in Education Services, or emailed to
Policy: AR 5145.71 Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures